Friday, November 26, 2010


Sorry for the radio silence (inb4 no one actually reads my blog anymore) it's been a busy week with dress rehearsals and last-minute disasters. And Thanksgiving.

I am currently working on a moderately large piece for an art trade due at the end of the month. And yet all I can think of or draw is chickens. I want to raise chickens you guys, you don't even know.

But here, have some gap-toothed dudes each with a chicken on their head.

This was really hard to explain to on-lookers.


Mahesh Ashok Sutar said...


Anthony Holden said...

Are they brothers? The chickens I mean...

and, yes, I understand what that would entail...

Jacob said...

No, no, this makes perfect sense. We have chickens back home and my youngest brother always preferred carrying the smallest and cutest ones on his head. Love the gap-tooth brothers too!