Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Bunkey is a Viral Entity!

Well. He is.
This is the non-Stitch removed copy-right violating version of the model sheet.
Now print this, go forth and DRAW HIM.
Your master commands.
EDIT: It's official. Will Strong has written a script and I spent the better part of today planning out the first ever Bunkey comic! Woot! I look forward to seeing y'all's many incarnations of this rascal. 

Monday, March 30, 2009

Stichy Owl

You might remember this guys from the fundrazar that the Illustration Club/Visual Art Department held a few months ago.
This didn't get sold, so I had some fun with it, and now I like it a lot better.

The halo is thread stitching. Whee!

Friday, March 20, 2009