This is a sketch dump of stuff that I haven't had time to sort or worry about. Or even fix the levels on. Dedicated to first visitor(s) from South Africa and South America, a few more European Countries, as well as all those other random people from the states. And JAPAAAAAN!!! 初めまして, 宜しくお願いします。 X3
In conjunction with the comic book project that I am participating in with fiends, we have created Funkless White Girl Press. Which now has a blog. Go. Go there NOW. And while you are at it go to our Editor in Chieftain's blog.
This isn't a real update, but I promise I will... soon! D: BUT, I found a link to Charles Le Brund's sketches of animals and humans that I have been looking for for... well only the last two days. BUT I FOUND IT! And I'm sooo psyched: These images are from the book Morel d'Arleux's Système de Lebrun sur la Physionomie Part I Part II The Main Website
Great for Character designs and other such fun things.
All the links found on this nice lady's blog. Anyway. More updates later. More sleep NOW. I need a nap.
Here. Gestures from the first 2008 BYU Animation Club (with Illustration appendages) Gesture Drawing Session. AKA Artists Anonymous. I feel good 'bout these. Did you see Mr. Potato man?
A Question. Tiny Fat Chinese Dancing man, or Girl's Face?